Document | Name | Release Date |
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PHO JAN. 24 INFO SHEET | 01/24/2022 12:00:00 AM | |
CJRM Isolation and Close Contact Quarantine Policy 24JAN2022 | 01/24/2022 12:00:00 AM | |
Isolation and Quarantine FLOW CHART Jan. 25 | 01/25/2022 12:00:00 AM | |
NBG ROM SOP REV 14 | 01/26/2022 12:00:00 AM | |
2064 CONTRACTOR TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS 27FEB20 | 03/03/2020 08:55:00 AM | |
sick-with-2019-nCoV-fact-sheet | 03/04/2020 03:02:00 PM | |
News Release - No Confirmed Cases of COVID-19; Officials Continue to Monitor Events in the Region.docx | 03/05/2020 05:15:00 PM | |
News Release - Ferry Flights from China Monitored; More Health Screenings at Guam Airport | 03/10/2020 01:58:00 PM | |
News Release - DPHSS Guam Public Health Laboratory Works to Validate Results of Newly Arrived COVID-19 Test Kits; No Suspect or Confirmed Cases | 03/11/2020 07:20:00 AM | |
PRESS RELEASE Guam Collaborates on Response to Possible Cases of COVID-19 | 03/11/2020 08:10:00 PM | |
PRESS RELEASE Guam Public Health Laboratory Tests Three Individuals for COVID-19; All Cleared | 03/14/2020 08:59:00 PM | |
GovGuam to Close for 14-Day Period; Updated Information on Confirmed Cases | 03/16/2020 03:00:00 PM | |
JIC RELEASE NO. 4: GovGuam to Close for 14-Day Period; Updated Information on Confirmed Cases | 03/16/2020 04:48:00 AM | |
Appendix E COVID-19 Response v6 (16 Mar 20) | 03/16/2020 10:02:00 AM | |
JIC Release No. 7_ Twelve Individuals Test Negative for COVID-19 | 03/17/2020 02:55:00 AM |
Document | Summary | Release Date |
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Stricter Protocols | 06/24/2020 08:30:00 AM | |
StayWell Insurance - A Notice Regarding COVID-19 03172020 | 03/17/2020 01:45:00 PM | |
Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings | 06/12/2020 04:30:00 PM | |
Public Health Compliance | 07/16/2020 03:14:00 PM | |
Protective Masks_08212020 | 08/21/2020 12:24:00 PM | |
No interaction with others until otherwise notified | 06/23/2020 04:57:00 PM | |
NBG HPCON C measures_29 MAR | 03/30/2020 12:00:00 AM | |
NBG Force Health Protection Enclaves CONOPS_29 MAR 20 | 03/30/2020 12:00:00 AM | |
NBG COVID-19 ADDITIONAL MEASURES - UPDATE ONE_29 MAR 20 | 03/30/2020 12:00:00 AM | |
NBG COVID 19 update brief 20 Mar Ver.2 | 03/20/2020 04:00:00 PM | |
NBG COVID 19 update brief 19 Mar | 03/19/2020 04:00:00 PM | |
NAVFAC Preventing the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 | 04/07/2020 07:44:00 AM | |
Message from the Project Director_Travel and the Pandemic_03172020 | 03/17/2020 09:08:00 AM | |
Message from the Project Director_COVID-19 and DZSP 21 Employees_03162020 | 03/16/2020 11:48:00 AM | |
Message from the Business Director_Temporary Suspension for Off-Island Trainings | 03/13/2020 11:41:00 AM |
No. | Question | Answer |
1 | Who do I call to report or obtain information related to the Pandemic? |
This website will be updated based on the latest guidance provided to us by the Government and Executive Leadership Team. You may contact the following: Pandemic Coordinator: Debbie Mae Cruz, Contingency/Security Manager. Ph: 671-339-3919. Cell:671-682-2182. Email:; Alternate Pandemic Coordinator: Daniel Soto, Safety Technician. Ph: 671-339-3132. Cell: None. Email: Contingency Manager: Debbie Mae Cruz, Contingency/Security Manager. Ph: 671-339-3919. Cell:671-682-2182. Email:; Alternate Contingency Manager: Suzette Gutierrez, Office Manager. Ph: 671-339-3997. Cell: 671-685-2911. Email:' You may also get information or address inquiries with your direct supervisor and/or manager. |
2 | When do I need to Self-Quarantine? |
Message was sent to DZSP 21 LLC workforce that anyone who has travelled (since the beginning 1 March 2020) will be required to self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 calendar days following their return. Return to work would be on the 15th day. o As an added measure, this will also apply to any employee(s) who have family members or others within their immediate household that live with them and recently travelled off-island. Exceptions will be made for travelers who possesses a DPHSS recognized and certified document that attests he or she is not infected with COVID-19. o Immediate household is defined as living in the same house and occupying the same living space. - If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, most especially if you develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing o Exposure could be via a contact (family member with the household) Ex: Spouse’s co-worker had contact with a positive COVID-19 case. Company policy will be to send employee home if they exhibit any flu-like symptoms, to minimize the spread of any germs. If you are sent home for having flu symptoms, a medical clearance will be still be required as a precaution (even if it’s less than three days). NOTE: Any absences 3 or more days will be required documentation in accordance with Company policy. DZSP 21 also reserves the right to request employee(s) obtain medical clearances if they are exhibiting any of the published symptoms, although employee has not reported any exposure or experiencing illnesses. A medical clearance would also need to be provided prior to the return to work. Medical clearance must be dated within the 3 days prior to their return to work and must be specific with regards to “no symptoms” or cleared to return to work. Any clearance that has a check mark on “has been seen” or “treated” without additional notes will not be accepted. DZSP 21 LLC will not take any chances with regards to potentially putting people at risk. |
3 | Will I be paid to Self–Quarantine? |
Employee(s) will be required to utilize PTO or LWOP. Leave sharing will be an option, however proof of the travel for the employee and/or immediate family member will need to be provided. Prior to returning to work, a clearance from a medical provider would need to be submitted to HR Additional Information for leave sharing – if for COVID-19 *Eligibility period of 1 year will be waived *Minimum amount of 8 hours that could be donated will be also be waived *Leave sharing will be applied as of the first day of LWOP. Current leave sharing policy does not allow for a retro payment and starts as of when documents are received for processing. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is an option with documentation provided to certify leave is FMLA covered criteria. FMLA eligible employees of covered employers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave in a designated 12-month leave year for specified family and medical reasons which may include the flu where complications arise that create a “serious health condition” as defined by the FMLA. Employees on FMLA leave are entitled to the continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same conditions, as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed during the leave period. Leave Without Pay/ Unpaid Leave – Employees will comply with current HRO policies. Employees who do not have enough PTO must use Leave without pay. All unpaid leave over 40 hours will still require approval by Program Management. There may be circumstances where pre-approval is not feasible (you develop symptoms over the weekend, e.g.); the employee would still be required to notify their annex manager who would then notify Program Management. Be advised that this may or may not affect your benefits. HR will do our best to minimize and manage the impact, providing you with information prior to it becoming an impact |
4 | What happens if the base locks down? I do not have leave and I do not have COVID-19
DZSP 21 LLC is required to comply with any base directives and instructions. If a base lock down is initiated, we would move to the contingency planning guide that would provide how DZSP 21 LLC will perform services. This may or may not include limiting personnel that are able to report to work. If it requires limited access to Essential Personnel only, this would not be dependent on whether you have COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, this is now related to the Essential Mission functions that is performed by your annex and if your position supports that function. Mission functions are determined by the customer. Your annex manager will keep you advised and/or updated on information regarding reporting to work requirements. Please ensure your contact information on file is updated |
5 | Will we be paid for missed days as a result of the base lock down? |
As it stands, there is currently no option for employees to be paid if they are not allowed to work as a result of a base lock down. DZSP 21 LLC will encourage the use of PTO or LWOP. Leave Sharing will NOT be an option in this case since it is not due to a (potential) medical need |
6 | My family member had travelled but although I do not live with that family member, we had a short amount of contact. Do I need to self-quarantine?
Instruction provided was for members of your household due to the likelihood of passing the germs since a living space is shared. However, if your contact with your family member (or similar scenario) was brief, we do not believe quarantine is required. However, we recommend you self-monitor and seek the advice of a medical professional. Please note that you will still have an obligation to inform DZSP 21 LLC if your condition changes and you suspect you have caught something. |
7 | I’ve travelled somewhere that does not have a known case; would I still need to self-quarantine?
Yes. Advice right now is “all travel”. Since Guam is now at 37 positive cases, we would rather err on the side of caution and will enforce “all travel” self quarantine for a minimum of 14 days. |
8 | Can I work from home?
Working from Home must be pre-approved by Program Management and only approved for essential positions that are vital to our mission. You will be required to provide proof of work performed as well as be able to support the hours charged. Be advised that any misrepresentation will be subject to DZSP 21 LLC timekeeping policy |
9 | Trump / Congress has passed a legislation giving people 2 weeks of paid sick leave as a result of COVID-19. Will that include us? |
No, this does not to apply to DZSP 21 because our company employs more than 500 people. |
10 | If the legislation includes us, will DZSP 21 LLC pay back our PTO as a result of the new legislation? |
No, this does not to apply to DZSP 21 because our company employs more than 500 people. |
11 | If I am not comfortable working and would like to volunteer to self-quarantine, will I get in trouble to request to take leave?
No, you will not be in trouble, however, approval is at management discretion based on workload and operational needs. Also, you must self-quarantine for the minimum period of 14 days and utilize PTO or LWOP. Leave sharing will not be applicable for this option. |
12 | How does Government of Guam Executive Orders related to the pandemic apply to DZSP 21? |
Seek management for further directions and guidance as each Executive Order will be handled on a case by case basis. |